If you need to speak to a live customer service representative in Jio customer service you need to dial 1860-893-3333. To speak with a live agent, you need to stay on the line (typical waiting time is about 1-10 minutes).
Jio Customer Service Hours
Live customer service representatives from Jio are available 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Jio Customer Support Phones
- Jio Customer Support Phone is 1860-893-3333. Live customer service representatives from Jio are available 24 hours a day seven days a week.
- For Recharge plans, data balance, validity, recharge confirmation & offers you need to dial 1991.
- For Queries you need to dial 199.
- For Complaints you need to dial 198.
- To Calling from Non Jio number you need to dial 1800-889-9999.
- For Tele-verification to activate both HD voice & data services you need to dial 1977.
- For Support on International Roaming (accessible only when roaming abroad) you need to dial 1-888-866-9845.
- For Hearing impaired/TTY you need to dial 917018899999 (charges applicable).
- To Enterprise Connectivity Services & Business Solutions you need to dial 1800-889-9444.
- To New Business Connection you need to dial 1800-889-9555.
Jio Social Networks Customer Service
- Jio customer service could be contacted via Jio Facebook page. Typically Jio customer service representative replies within an hour.
- You can also reach Jio support via Jio Twitter page
- You can view latest Jio photos on Jio Instagram page
- You can view latest Jio videos on Jio Youtube page
- You can message a live customer service representative using Jio Linkedin page
Jio Live Chat Support
You can start a live chat session with a Jio Support Agent on the Jio Support page. To speak with a live agent, you need to press the “Chat” icon in the bottom right of your screen.
Jio support e-mail
- To contact Jio via e-mail you need to go to the Jio Contact page, fill in the form and press the “Submit” button.
- For new business connection send an e-mail to business@jio.com
- For Online Shopping queries send an e-mail to shop@jio.com
- For any security vulnerability send an e-mail to jio.bugsreporting@jio.com
Jio Fax Number
Jio does not have a fax number. Instead you can use 1860-893-3333 phone number to contact Jio.
Jio Help Center
- You can get more information about Jio Customers on the Jio Customers Support page.
Jio Opening Hours
Monday 9am to 9pm
Tuesday 9am to 9pm
Wednesday 9am to 9pm
Thursday 9am to 9pm
Friday 9am to 9pm
Saturday 9am to 9pm
Sunday 9am to 9pm