If you need to contact a live person in Franchise Tax Board customer service you need to dial 1-800-852-5711. To speak with a live agent, you need to press 1 (for personal income tax), then press 6 (for any other information), after press 2 (for general tax question)
and stay on the line (typical waiting time is about 20-40 minutes).
For your convenience below is the voice system main menu:
- For personal income tax press 1.
- For business entity information press 2.
- To learn about web self-service option and how to register press 3.
Voice system personal income tax sub-menu (if you press 1):
- For current tax year refund information press 1.
- For payment and balance press 2.
- For earned income tax credit information press 3.
- For frequently asked questions press 4.
- For forms and publication press 5.
- For any other information press 6.
- To hear this information again press star 6.
FTB Customer Service Hours
FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm PST Monday-Sunday.
FTB Phone Customer Service
- FTB customer service phone number is 1-800-852-5711. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm PST Monday-Sunday.
- For FTB customer service (Outside the US) you need to dial 1-916-845-6500.
- For Automated help you need to dial 1-800-338-0505.
- For Income tax collections (Personal) you need to dial 1-800-689-4776.
- For Income tax collections (Personal)- Outside the US you need to dial 1-916-845-4470.
- For Income tax collections (Business) you need to dial 1-888-635-0494.
- For Court-ordered debt (COD) you need to dial 1-916-845-4064.
- For Vehicle registration collections you need to dial 1-888-355-6872. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm Monday-Sunday.
- For Interagency intercept you need to dial 1-866-563-2375. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm Monday-Sunday.
- For Withholding (nonwage) you need to dial 1-888-792-4900. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm Monday-Sunday.
- For Withholding (nonwage)- Outside the US you need to dial 1-916-845-4900.
- For Executive Services Section you need to dial 1-800-883-5910. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm Monday-Sunday.
- For Small Business Liaison you need to dial 1-916-845-4669. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm Monday-Sunday.
- For Small Businesses / Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises you need to dial 1-916-845-5511. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 5pm Monday-Sunday.
- For Careers and recruitment (Exam unit) you need to dial 1-916-845-3608.
- For Careers and recruitment (Seasonal Work Information Line) you need to dial 1-916-845-3650.
- For Criminal investigations you need to dial 1-916-227-3203. FTB live customer service agents are available from 8am to 4:30pm Monday-Sunday.
- For California Relay Service you need to dial 711 or 1-800-735-2929.
- For TTY you need to dial 1-800-822-6268.
Franchise Tax Board Social Networks Customer Service
- Franchise Tax Board customer service could be contacted via Franchise Tax Board Facebook page
- You can also reach Franchise Tax Board support via Franchise Tax Board Twitter page
- You can view latest Franchise Tax Board photos on Franchise Tax Board Instagram page
- You can view latest Franchise Tax Board videos on Franchise Tax Board Youtube page
FTB Mailing Addresses
Tax returns:
- Personal(Without payment)
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942840
Sacramento CA 94240-0001 - Personal(With payment)
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942867
Sacramento CA 94267-0001 - Business(Without payment)
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942857
Sacramento CA 94257-0500 - Business(With payment)
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942857
Sacramento CA 94257-0501
Exempt organizations and non-profits:
- Without payment
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942840
Sacramento CA 94240-0001 - With payment
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942867
Sacramento CA 94267-0001
Nonadmitted insurance tax:
Nonadmitted Insurance Tax MS-F182
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942867
Sacramento CA 94267-0651
Payment vouchers:
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942867
Sacramento CA 94267-0008
FTB Fax Number
- Withholding (nonwage): 1-916-845-9512
- Taxpayer Advocate Services: 1-916-843-8330
- Executive Services Section: 1-916-843-6022
- Criminal investigations: 1-916-227-2798
Franchise Tax Board Live Chat Support
You can start a live chat session with a FTB Support Agent on the Franchise Tax Board Support page. To speak with a live agent, you need to press the “USE MyFTB To Chat” blue button, then Log In and start chat. Chat is available from 8am to 5pm PST Monday-Sunday.
Franchise Tax Board support e-mail
- To contact Taxpayer Advocate Services send an e-mail to FTBAdvocate@ftb.ca.gov
FTB Help Center
You can find more information about FTB on the FTB Support page.
FTB Opening Hours
Monday 8am to 5pm PST
Tuesday 8am to 5pm PST
Wednesday 8am to 5pm PST
Thursday 8am to 5pm PST
Friday 8am to 5pm PST
Saturday 8am to 5pm PST
Sunday 8am to 5pm PST